
decision management中文是什么意思

  • 决策管理



  • 例句与用法
  • Policy decision and business management : the directors and cfo dispatched to the enterprises invested in will perform their proper policy decision management function on the great items of the enterprises
  • Part 3 ( chapter 5 ) analyzes the first aspect at the second level of management optimization-the content of management method in management affairs, including policy-decision management and information management
  • Since the introduction of farmer household responsibility system in rural in china, farmer households have become the main unit of rural market economy, and gained the greatest power of self-decision management, but faced huge risk from market at the same time
  • Project subsequent appraisement is an indispensable process in a project cycle, and an important means of project decision management . it is significant to the improvement and perfection of project decision-making and the increase of economic benefits
  • The system functions include the interface, establishing system, system statement, data management, model management, knowledge support, decision management, searching information and help etc . because this study increases knowledge base and reasoning system, the support for decision makers is greatly strengthened by the dss
  • Risk management ( rm ), a subproject in a project management, experienced a very short history in project management and has been adopted predominantly in research and / or the decision management in an enterprise investment program . the application of rm in engineering projects is very recent and its application in highway projects is even much later
  • So logistics management correspondingly changes centralizing management against decentralizing management, decision management including administer against administer management, opening management against closing management . contemporary production logistics management mainly embodies modernization from three waysthe first is modernization of devices of production logistics; the second is modernization of management means of production logistics including using computers and their software; the third is modernization of management ideology of production logistics, that is systematizing and integrationizing
  • We begin with tuan ( commentary on the decision ) as the fundamental guideline of the management philosophy of zhou yi, further investigate the thoughts about decision management contained in hsiang ( commentary on the decision ), wen yen ( commentary on qian and kun ), guaci ( a short statement ) and yaoci ( a line statement ), make sense of the ways of heaven and the manners of man, and finally enter the supreme state of the art of management, which is the middle way between qian and kun as well as hardness and softness
  • 推荐英语阅读
decision management的中文翻译,decision management是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译decision management,decision management的中文意思,decision management的中文decision management in Chinesedecision management的中文decision management怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
