decision n. 1.决定。 2.判决。 3.决议。 4.决心;决断。 5.【美拳】(根据分数而不是根据击倒对方做出的)裁判。 a man of decision 有决断力的人,果断的人。 come to a decision 做出法定。 decision by majority 取决于多数。 give a decision for [against] 判决对…有利[不利]。 with decision 断然。 decision table (列出对付某问题各项可选择办法的)决策表。
management n. 1.办理,处理;管理,经营;经营力,经营手腕。 2.安排;妥善对待。 3.〔the management〕〔集合词〕(工商企业)管理部门;董事会;厂方,资方。 one man management一长制。 the management of economy 经济管理。 land management土地规划。
Policy decision and business management : the directors and cfo dispatched to the enterprises invested in will perform their proper policy decision management function on the great items of the enterprises 决策与经营管理:派往投资企业的董事、财务总监对企业重大事项履行应有的决策管理职能。
Part 3 ( chapter 5 ) analyzes the first aspect at the second level of management optimization-the content of management method in management affairs, including policy-decision management and information management 第三部分(第5章),分析了管理优化的第二层次的第一方面??管理实务之管理手段的内容,包括决策管理与信息化管理。
Since the introduction of farmer household responsibility system in rural in china, farmer households have become the main unit of rural market economy, and gained the greatest power of self-decision management, but faced huge risk from market at the same time 我国实行家庭承包制后,农户成为农村市场经济的微观主体,农民在获得最大自主经营权的同时也面临更大的市场风险。
Project subsequent appraisement is an indispensable process in a project cycle, and an important means of project decision management . it is significant to the improvement and perfection of project decision-making and the increase of economic benefits 项目后评价是项目周期中一个不可缺少的重要环节,是项目决策管理不可缺少的重要手段,它对改进和完善项目决策水平,提高投资效益具有重要意义。
The system functions include the interface, establishing system, system statement, data management, model management, knowledge support, decision management, searching information and help etc . because this study increases knowledge base and reasoning system, the support for decision makers is greatly strengthened by the dss 根据丘陵山地雨水集蓄的实际情况,丘陵山地雨水集蓄智能决策支持系统从功能上包括人机交互界面、系统设置、系统说明、数据管理、模型管理、知识支持、决策管理、信息查询及帮助等9个功能子系统。
Risk management ( rm ), a subproject in a project management, experienced a very short history in project management and has been adopted predominantly in research and / or the decision management in an enterprise investment program . the application of rm in engineering projects is very recent and its application in highway projects is even much later 风险管理在项目中兴起的时间并不长,一般主要应用于研究性和企业性投资项目的决策管理,应用于工程项目领域时间较短,而应用于公路工程建设的时间更短。
So logistics management correspondingly changes centralizing management against decentralizing management, decision management including administer against administer management, opening management against closing management . contemporary production logistics management mainly embodies modernization from three waysthe first is modernization of devices of production logistics; the second is modernization of management means of production logistics including using computers and their software; the third is modernization of management ideology of production logistics, that is systematizing and integrationizing 现代生产物流管理主要从三个方面体现了现代化,首先是生产物流设备的现代化;其次是生产物流管理手段的现代化,它包括利用计算机及其各种软件进行管理;第三是生产物流管理思想的现代化,即系统化和集成化的管理思想。
We begin with tuan ( commentary on the decision ) as the fundamental guideline of the management philosophy of zhou yi, further investigate the thoughts about decision management contained in hsiang ( commentary on the decision ), wen yen ( commentary on qian and kun ), guaci ( a short statement ) and yaoci ( a line statement ), make sense of the ways of heaven and the manners of man, and finally enter the supreme state of the art of management, which is the middle way between qian and kun as well as hardness and softness 首先从乾卦之《家传》出发,认为此为《周易》管理哲学的塞本纲领,进而一层层探讨乾卦中的《象传》、《文言》、卦辞、爻辞中的决策管理思想,从天道运行至人事的应用层层相贯通,最后指出能达到乾坤并健、冈鳄柔并济的中和之美,才是管理艺术的最高境界。